Our Recommendations Alison Balcombe

I have found the quality of service to be exceptional and the calibre of personnel sent to us first class. I have found Elaine and her team are extremely pleasant, reliable and committed to meeting our recruitment needs.

Amber Bateman

When other staffing agencies couldn’t find people or took ages looking, The Staff Agency always has someone able to start work the very next day. The Staff Agency helps and supports me with a smile and is never further than a phone call away.

Mandy Cookson

I find the standard of candidates who attend interviews to be of a very high calibre who have all the necessary qualifications and experience that has been specified in the job description as supplied to The Staff Agency.

John Lever

I shall certainly be recommending to Siemens Head Office that we continue to use yourselves as one of our preferred local suppliers of temporary staff.

Contact The Staff Agency