Read a good book on body language, so you can strengthen your good signals, and curb your weaker ones.
Which consultancy, local or specialist, is likely to understand your needs? Recruitment consultancies have access to vacancies that have not been advertised, will market your skills widely and give you accurate advice on job-finding techniques and/or improving your CV.
First impressions count. Are you well groomed with tidy hair, shoes and clothing? Practice a good positive handshake – not too firm, not too weak.
Plan a reliable way of getting there which allows you to be a few minutes early (not too late or too early, and not on time because this may cause you to be late if you’ve been delayed in reception, or walking around their buildings).
Everything is negotiable. If the final offer is not what you had hoped for, ask the consultancy to talk to the client. Say that you like the job but the package is not up to your expectations. Can they flex at all, now or after the probationary period?
Tell the consultancy how the interview went and get feedback from them, including when they expect the client to make a decision. If there is something else you want to mention, send a brief email or phone the agency.
Start planning the application you might send if you have not had time to get your best points across – or if something they have told you reminds you of your hidden depths.
If there is time, ask them if there is anything more they need to know about you.
Keep your replies simple. Offer positive information – do not give bad news unasked. Do not harp on about problems or criticise previous employers. Make sure the employer knows the benefits of employing you.
Ask how the job contributes to the success, efficiency and profitability of the organisation. Try to show, without being contrived, that you have done some research.